Team Speak Server: Guidelines


TeamSpeak 3 Server Guidelines

- It is recommended that TS3 members use their in-game nametag or forum name
- Names that are sexually explicit, racist, discriminatory or otherwise insulting are not allowed.

- English is the preferred language
- Please respect all other TS3 members
- Please refrain from overly sexual comments and conversations
- If you are sloppy drunk or otherwise heavily intoxicated please consider sleeping it off instead of joining TS ;)

Using Channels:
- Chit chat and other off-topic talk is primarily to take place in the 'Chilling Room'
- Be respectful and conscious of others in a channel you are just joining, don't join & start instantly speaking over people already in there
- Game channels are primarily only used for 'Game Specific' communication.
- Make sure to switch to the appropriate channel when playing a specific game (server)

Microphone Activation:
- We strongly encourage the use of 'push to talk' mode as a way to activate your microphone
- Using "voice activation" mode is allowed when using a headset or headphones, but make sure to set up sensitivity in such way that your microphone isn't triggered by your breathing, passing vehicles or your neighbors chainsaw.
- If you are unsure about what settings to tweak to achieve a correct balance, just ask an admin
- You will either be muted, asked to leave or removed from the channel/server if your mic is making unwanted noise

- TeamSpeak channel admins and server admins are recognizable by a (S) and / or (C) tag attached to their nickname.
- Our admins reserve the rights to warn and subsequently remove anyone from team speak for any disruptive behavior or rule breaking
- If you are banned from our forum/servers then you will no longer be permitted to join our TeamSpeak server


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